Online Drawing Workshop

If you know me in person or online, you probably noticed how much I love fossils. After fossil hunts, I always come back home full of ideas, which helped me understand how much walking impacts my creativity. 

The proposal of "Walking a Line" is to use walking (anywhere) as fuel for our creative process. How can we actively look for ideas and understand drawing more as a way to experience the world than focusing on a final result? 

The workshop is for you, if you want to draw and need help figuring out where to start or if you are stuck and want to rethink your practice.

We are going to explore questions like: What is a bad drawing? What do we lose when we stop imagining? How do we learn how to draw? How do we deal with creative frustration?

I'll share references that helped me have a healthier relationship with my creativity and we’ll have drawing/discussion sessions together. For “homework”, I’ll propose a drawing exercise that will include a walk (big or small, it can even be a walk to the supermarket!). You will have a week to do it and, if you want, share the result with the group in the next session.

I’m looking forward to thinking and drawing together!


  • Online (Zoom)

  • Sessions will NOT be recorded - it is going to be a very small group and a safe space for sharing and exchanging


  • 4 sessions (around 1h30 each)

  • 7 pm - 8:30 pm (CET) -  16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 5/11 —> English

  • 7 pm - 8:30 pm (CET) -  15/10, 21/10, 29/10, 4/11 —> Portuguese

How much?

  • Sliding scale, meaning you pay as much as you can
    (Suggested: 80-100 euros)

  • Paypal or Bank Transfer

  • Sign up?

  • Easy! Just fill out the form below and you’ll get a confirmation email with instructions for the payment.

  • PS: If you are interested but the dates/time doesn’t work for you, drop me a message, and I’ll consider it for future workshops :)